Our wood species

You will find below a description of the different types of wood used to make our medals. All these essences are selected for their unique properties and aesthetic qualities.


Acacia wood is a widely used material in various applications due to its exceptional properties. It comes from different species of trees belonging to the genus Acacia, which are found in different regions of the world. Acacia wood is valued for its hardness, strength, and durability, making it a popular choice for many projects.

Acacia wood has a natural color ranging from light brown to dark brown, with variations in tone that give it a naturally attractive appearance. It also has a distinctive texture with tight grains and sometimes interesting patterns, which adds to its aesthetic appeal.

Due to its strength and resistance to wear, acacia wood is often used in the manufacture of furniture, flooring, wall coverings, doors and windows. It is also used for building decks, patios, and other outdoor structures, as it is able to resist weather and rot.

Besides its physical strength, acacia wood is also valued for its natural resistance to insects and fungi, making it a favorable choice for outdoor projects.

In summary, acacia wood is a strong, durable and aesthetically pleasing material used in many applications. Its natural color and distinct texture give it a great look, while its hardness and strength make it a versatile choice for building furniture, upholstery and outdoor structures.

Acacia wood is associated with several symbolisms and meanings across different cultures and traditions. Here are some of the symbols commonly attributed to acacia wood:

  1. Purity: Acacia wood is often considered a symbol of purity due to its light color and smooth texture. It is often used in purification rituals and is associated with the notion of cleanliness and spiritual clarity.

  2. Immortality: In some beliefs, acacia wood is associated with immortality or eternal life. This may be related to its durability and toughness, as well as its ability to regenerate quickly.

  3. Protection: Acacia wood is also considered a symbol of protection. It is often used to make amulets or talismans which are believed to protect against negative influences and bring positive energy.

  4. Wisdom and knowledge: In some traditions, acacia wood is associated with wisdom and knowledge. It is considered a sacred wood that promotes understanding, learning and the search for truth.

  5. Renewal and Growth: Due to its ability to regenerate quickly, acacia wood is also often associated with growth, renewal and vitality. It can symbolize the ability to get up after hardships and to develop.

It should be noted that the symbolisms of acacia wood can vary according to cultures and beliefs. These interpretations are general and not necessarily universal.


Amaranth wood is an exotic and valuable material that comes from various tree species of the genus Peltogyne. It is known for its deep purple to intense purple color, which gives it a beautiful and unique appearance. Amaranth wood is valued for its exceptional hardness, wear resistance and durability, making it a popular choice for high-quality carpentry work.

Due to its rarity and beauty, amaranth wood is often used in special projects and craft creations. It is used to make furniture, musical instruments, carvings, flooring and other luxury items. The color of amaranth wood can vary from deep purple almost black to rich purple, sometimes with interesting veins and patterns that add to its aesthetic appeal.

In summary, amaranth wood is a precious and aesthetically remarkable exotic wood, with its dark purple to intense violet color. Its hardness and durability make it a popular material for high-end woodworking projects.

Amaranth wood is also associated with various symbolisms and meanings. Here are some of the symbolisms commonly attributed to amaranth wood: Luxury and beauty: Due to its rich and vibrant color, amaranth wood is often associated with luxury, elegance and beauty. It is used in the manufacture of furniture and high-end decorative objects to add a touch of sophistication.

  1. Spirituality and Energy: In some traditions, amaranth wood is considered a symbol of spirituality and spiritual connection. It is believed to possess vibrant energy that can help raise vibrations and promote meditation and spiritual awareness.

  2. Strength and resistance: Amaranth wood is renowned for its exceptional strength, density and durability. It is often considered a symbol of strength, resistance and perseverance. It can be used to represent the ability to overcome challenges and stay strong in the face of adversity.

  3. Protection and purification: In some beliefs, amaranth wood is considered a symbol of protection and purification. It is believed that it can help eliminate negative energies and create a harmonious and purified environment.

  4. Abundance and Prosperity: Due to its rarity and beauty, amaranth wood is also associated with abundance and prosperity. It can symbolize material and spiritual wealth as well as growth and prosperity in all aspects of life.

It is important to note that the symbolisms of amaranth wood can vary according to cultures, beliefs and individual interpretations. These meanings are general and not necessarily universal.


Bubinga wood is a valuable exotic material native to Central and West Africa. It is known for its exceptional beauty, richness of color and distinctive grain. Bubinga has a palette of hues that varies from pale pink to dark red, sometimes with purple or brownish undertones. It is valued for its high density and strength, making it a durable wood suitable for many uses.

Bubinga is often used in the manufacture of high-end furniture, veneer, flooring, musical instruments such as guitars and pianos, as well as in ship building and other applications requiring high strength. Its fine texture and natural polishing make it possible to obtain smooth and shiny finishes. Additionally, bubinga is renowned for its dimensional stability, making it a popular choice for projects requiring high precision.

Bubinga wood is associated with several symbolisms, in particular because of its beauty and its unique properties. Here are some of the symbols often attributed to bubinga wood:

  1. Strength and resistance: Bubinga is a dense and robust wood, renowned for its resistance. It is therefore often associated with strength and durability. This symbol can be applied to various areas of life, such as resilience in the face of challenges or strength in relationships.

  2. Beauty and elegance: Bubinga is prized for its richness of color and distinctive grain. Its attractive appearance gives it an aesthetic symbolism, associated with natural beauty and elegance. It can be used to represent art, design or appreciation of beauty in various forms.

  3. Stability and Balance: Due to its dimensional stability, the bubinga is often seen as a symbol of stability and balance. It can represent resistance to change or the ability to maintain a solid foundation in various aspects of life, such as relationships, careers, or projects.

  4. Connection with nature: Being an exotic wood native to Africa, bubinga can evoke a connection with nature and tropical forests. It can symbolize respect for the environment, sustainability and the preservation of natural resources.

It is important to note that these symbols can vary according to cultures, traditions and beliefs. They are often subjective and can be interpreted in different ways depending on contexts and people.

The Oak

Oak wood is a commonly used material in the construction and carpentry industry due to its excellent properties. It comes from different species of trees belonging to the genus Quercus. Oak wood stands out for its strength, durability and resistance to wear, making it a popular choice for many projects.

Oak wood has a natural color ranging from pale blond to light brown, with variations in tone that give it a warm and natural look. It also has a characteristic texture with tight grain patterns and a beautiful figure, making it an aesthetically appealing material.

Due to its sturdiness, oak wood is used in the manufacture of furniture, flooring, beams, frameworks and many other construction elements. It is also valued for its ability to work well, be sculpted and stained to individual preference.

Oak wood is also known for its resistance to rot and insects, which makes it suitable for outdoor use. It is often used in the construction of durable outdoor decks, fences and structures.

In summary, oak wood is a strong, durable and aesthetically appealing material widely used in carpentry and construction. Its warm natural color and ability to work well make it a versatile choice for many projects.

Oak wood is associated with several symbolisms and meanings across different cultures and traditions. Here are some of the symbols commonly attributed to oak wood:

  1. Strength and sturdiness: Oak is often seen as a symbol of strength and sturdiness due to the strength and durability of its wood. It is renowned for its resistance to weather and its ability to withstand hardship, which makes it a symbol of resilience and perseverance.

  2. Longevity and Endurance: Oak is a long-lived tree, and its wood is often associated with longevity and endurance. It can symbolize the ability to withstand the passage of time and remain strong and vigorous.

  3. Stability and Rootedness: Oak trees have deep and extensive root systems, making them a symbol of stability and rootedness. Oak wood is often associated with security, confidence and a solid foundation.

  4. Wisdom and knowledge: In some traditions, the oak tree is considered a sacred tree and a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Its wood is often used in the manufacture of prestigious furniture and places of reflection to promote reflection and learning.

  5. Connection to nature: Oak is often revered because of its deep connection to nature. It is considered a symbol of connection with the natural world and can represent the power and majesty of nature.

It should be noted that the symbolisms of oak wood can vary according to cultures, beliefs and individual interpretations. These meanings are general and not necessarily universal.

the chigomi

Chigomier wood is an exotic wood native to West and Central Africa. It is a precious wood and sought after for its unique characteristics.

Chigomier, scientifically known as Khaya senegalensis, is a large tree that can reach a height of 25 to 30 meters. Its wood has a reddish-brown to golden-brown color, with variations in tone and veins that give it an attractive visual appearance.

Chigomier wood is appreciated for its hardness, resistance and stability. It has a fine to medium texture and a generally straight grain.

Apart from its physical qualities, Chigomier wood is also valued for its natural durability and its resistance to insects and rot. This makes it a material of choice for projects requiring long life and good weather resistance.

Chigomier itself also has traditional uses in medicine and pharmacology, as different parts of the tree are known for their medicinal and therapeutic properties.


Cocobolo wood is an exotic wood native mainly to the tropical regions of Central America, including Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. It is known for its density, resistance and vibrant colors.

The cocobolo has a range of colors from dark red to brown, often with black or purple veins. Its grain is often irregular, giving it a unique and visually appealing appearance.

It is a hard and dense wood, which makes it suitable for a wide range of uses. It is often used in the manufacture of fine furniture, musical instruments, carvings, tool handles and various handicrafts.

Besides its aesthetic beauty, cocobolo wood is valued for its durability and weather resistance, making it a popular choice for projects that require high strength.

Cocobolo wood is associated with several symbols and meanings. Here are some of the symbols commonly attributed to cocobolo wood:

  1. Strength and resistance: Cocobolo wood is renowned for its density, solidity and resistance to bad weather. It symbolizes strength, durability and the ability to withstand hardship.

  2. Passion and Energy: The vibrant and rich colors of cocobolo wood, ranging from dark red to brown, evoke passion and energy. It is often associated with vitality, creativity and passion in various areas of life.

  3. Protection and defense: In some traditions, cocobolo wood is considered a symbol of protection and defense. It is believed to help ward off negative energies and create a protective barrier around yourself.

  4. Connection to nature: Cocobolo is an exotic wood that comes mainly from the tropical regions of Central America. It is often associated with nature and biodiversity. It can symbolize the deep connection with the earth, forests and natural elements.

  5. Spirituality and intuition: Cocobolo wood is sometimes considered a symbol of spirituality and intuition. It is said to promote mental clarity, meditation and access to higher levels of consciousness.

It is important to note that the symbolism of cocobolo wood can vary according to cultures, beliefs and individual interpretations. These meanings are general and not necessarily universal.


Sandalwood is a valuable and highly prized material, primarily extracted from the Santalum album tree, native to India and other parts of Southeast Asia. It is famous for its distinctive fragrance and its traditional use in making incense, essential oils and cosmetics.

Sandalwood has a pale yellow to light brown color, with a fine grain and smooth texture. This wood is also known for its high density and hardness, which makes it a valuable material for carving and fine craftsmanship.

In addition to its aesthetic appearance, sandalwood is appreciated for its characteristic aroma. When burned, it gives off a suave, sweet, woody scent, often used to promote relaxation, meditation and spirituality. It is also used in luxury perfumery, adding a rich and exotic note to olfactory compositions.

In summary, sandalwood is a valuable and aromatic material, valued for its color, distinctive fragrance and smooth texture. Used for centuries in crafts, spirituality and perfumery, sandalwood is considered a natural treasure.

Sandalwood is associated with many symbolisms and meanings across different cultures and traditions. Here are some of the symbols commonly attributed to sandalwood:

  1. Spirituality and Meditation: Sandalwood is closely linked to spirituality and meditation in many religious and spiritual practices. It is believed to promote concentration, peace of mind, and connection with the divine when used in rituals or meditation practices.

  2. Harmony and balance: Sandalwood is often considered a symbol of harmony and balance. Its sweet and soothing aroma is said to calm emotions, reduce stress and create a harmonious atmosphere.

  3. Purification and protection: Sandalwood is renowned for its purifying and protective properties. It is believed to help eliminate negative energies, purify the environment and protect against unwanted influences.

  4. Love and Compassion: Sandalwood is associated with love and compassion in some traditions. It is said to open the heart and promote feelings of love, kindness and empathy towards oneself and others.

  5. Wisdom and Clarity: Sandalwood is also considered a symbol of wisdom and mental clarity. Its use is believed to promote reflection, informed decision-making, and the search for inner truth.

It is important to note that the symbolisms of sandalwood can vary according to specific cultures, beliefs and practices. These meanings are general and not necessarily universal.


Maple wood is a commonly used material in the wood industry due to its excellent properties and versatility. It comes from different species of trees belonging to the genus Acer, which are widespread in temperate regions around the world. Maple wood is valued for its hardness, durability and attractive appearance.

Maple wood has a light color ranging from creamy white to pale yellow, sometimes with pink highlights. It has a fine and uniform texture with straight grains, which gives it an elegant and natural appearance.

Due to its strength and resistance to wear, maple wood is widely used in the manufacture of furniture, flooring, cupboards, kitchen cabinets and many other products. It is also used in the production of musical instruments such as guitars, violins and pianos due to its ability to produce clear and bright sound.

Maple wood can also be stained and finished in different ways to achieve different looks and effects. It is often used as an accent wood to create decorative patterns, inlays and details.

In summary, maple wood is a versatile, durable and aesthetically appealing material. Its light color, fine texture and strength make it a popular choice in many fields, from carpentry to musical instruments.

Maple wood is associated with different symbolisms and meanings across different cultures and traditions. Here are some of the symbols commonly attributed to maple wood:

  1. Stability and Durability: Maple wood is renowned for its stability and durability. It is often considered a symbol of solidity and resistance. It represents the ability to get through hardships and stay strong in the face of life's challenges.

  2. Growth and renewal: The maple is a tree that renews itself each year thanks to its foliage which changes color in the fall and is reborn in the spring. Maple wood therefore symbolizes growth, renewal and regeneration. It can represent the ability to evolve, grow and transform.

  3. Softness and warmth: Maple wood is often used in the manufacture of furniture and objects for its light and warm color. It is associated with a soft and welcoming atmosphere. It can symbolize the warmth, friendliness and comfort of the home.

  4. Wisdom and harmony: In some traditions, maple wood is considered a symbol of wisdom and harmony. It is believed to bring a sense of calm, balance and inner peace. It is often used to support concentration, reflection and informed decision-making.

  5. Abundance and Prosperity: Maple is often associated with abundance and prosperity. In some cultures, maple is linked to the production of maple syrup, a valuable resource. Maple wood can therefore symbolize material wealth, fertility and prosperity.

It should be noted that the symbolism of maple wood may vary according to cultures, beliefs and individual interpretations. These meanings are general and not necessarily universal.


Ebony wood is a valuable and sought-after material that comes from different tree species of the genus Diospyros, including African ebony and Makassar ebony. It is known for its deep black color and fine, smooth texture. Ebony wood is considered one of the most valuable woods in the world.

Ebony wood has been used for centuries in the manufacture of luxury items and fine craftsmanship. It is valued for its natural beauty and rarity. Its rich, dark appearance makes it a preferred choice for making high-end furniture, carvings, jewelry, and musical instruments such as pianos, violins, and clarinets.

Apart from its distinctive appearance, ebony wood is also known for its high density, exceptional hardness and durability. It is stain, scratch and wear resistant, making it the material of choice for items that require high strength and long life.

In summary, ebony wood is an exceptionally beautiful material, with its deep black color and smooth texture. Its use is mostly reserved for luxury items and valuables due to its rarity and superior quality. Its density, hardness and durability make it a valuable material for furniture, sculptures and musical instruments.

Ebony wood is associated with several symbols and meanings. Here are some of the symbols commonly attributed to ebony:

  1. Luxury and prestige: Ebony wood is renowned for its dark, deep color, as well as its smooth, polished texture. It is often used in the manufacture of furniture and high-value objects, which makes it a symbol of luxury, prestige and refinement.

  2. Strength and Endurance: Ebony wood is considered extremely dense, hard and tough. It is associated with strength, durability and endurance. It symbolizes the ability to overcome difficulties and stay strong in the face of life's challenges.

  3. Protection and purification: In some beliefs, ebony is considered a symbol of protection and purification. It is believed to ward off negative energies, purify the environment, and create a sense of security and peace.

  4. Spirituality and mystery: Ebony wood is often associated with spirituality and mystery. Its dark and deep appearance evokes a mystical and enigmatic atmosphere. It can symbolize the search for inner truth, spiritual wisdom, and connection with the unseen worlds.

  5. Balance and harmony: Ebony wood is also associated with balance and harmony. Its use in the manufacture of musical instruments, such as pianos or violins, testifies to its ability to produce harmonious and balanced sounds. It can symbolize the need to find balance in all aspects of life.

It is important to note that the symbolisms of ebony wood can vary according to cultures, beliefs and individual interpretations. These meanings are general and not necessarily universal.

Rosewood or palisander

Rosewoods, also known as palisander woods, are valuable and sought-after materials from different species of trees in the genus Dalbergia. They are famous for their rich color and distinctive grain, as well as their pleasant fragrance. Rosewoods are widely used in the woodworking and craft industry.

Rosewoods exhibit a wide range of colors, ranging from light brown to dark brown, with variations in tone and intricate grain patterns. They are renowned for their aesthetically appealing appearance, which can vary from species to species. Certain types of rosewood, such as Rio rosewood, are particularly prized for their colorful, shimmering vein patterns.

Apart from their visual beauty, rosewoods are also valued for their high density, exceptional hardness and durability. They are stain, wear and rot resistant, making them the material of choice for fine furniture, interior upholstery, decorative items and high-end musical instruments such as guitars, violins and flutes.

In summary, rosewoods are highly prized materials for their beauty, durability and characteristic fragrance. Their rich colors, intricate grain patterns and strength make them a preferred choice for furniture and valuables.

Rosewood is associated with several symbols and meanings. Here are some of the symbols commonly attributed to rosewood:

  1. Beauty and Elegance: Rosewood is renowned for its beauty and elegant appearance. Its fine grain and rich colors make it a popular material in the manufacture of furniture, musical instruments and decorative objects. It is often associated with natural beauty and aesthetics.

  2. Love and Romance: Rosewood is sometimes associated with love and romance. Its sweet and bewitching scent is often used in perfumes and personal care products. It symbolizes love, passion and affection.

  3. Protection and healing: In some traditions, rosewood is considered a symbol of protection and healing. It is believed to have healing properties and can balance energies. It is often used in wellness and spirituality practices.

  4. Spirituality and Meditation: Rosewood is associated with spirituality and meditation in certain spiritual and religious practices. Its soothing scent and high vibrations are believed to facilitate connection with the divine and promote peace of mind.

  5. Longevity and Prosperity: Rosewood is often considered a symbol of longevity and prosperity. It is believed to bring luck, abundance and growth. It is sometimes used in prosperity rituals and luck-related items.

It should be noted that the symbolisms of rosewood can vary according to cultures, beliefs and individual interpretations. These meanings are general and not necessarily universal.

The padauk

Padauk wood is an exotic wood native to Africa, mainly West and Central Africa. It is widely appreciated for its vivid color and distinctive grain, making it a popular material in the woodworking industry.

Padauk is characterized by its orange-red to bright red color, which can deepen over time to a darker, richer hue. Its grain is generally straight, with a medium to coarse texture, which gives it a visually appealing appearance and a naturally decorative appearance.

In addition to its beauty, padauk wood is also valued for its durability and stability. It is considered a very strong wood, with a high density, which makes it suitable material for a variety of applications. It is often used in the manufacture of furniture, decorative objects, musical instruments and even in shipbuilding.

The padauk is also associated with certain symbols. Its bright and warm color is often associated with passion, vitality and energy. It is sometimes considered a symbol of courage and inner strength. In some cultures, it is also renowned for its protective and soothing properties.

the zebrano

Zebrano wood is an exotic and distinctive material that comes from the African tree of the genus Microberlinia. It is also known as zebra wood due to its unique appearance which resembles the stripes of a zebra. Zebrano wood is mainly native to the regions of West and Central Africa.

This wood is distinguished by its contrasting stripes that alternate between a cream or pale yellow color and a dark brown or light brown. These stripes form a ridged pattern that gives zebrano wood a visually striking and highly recognizable appearance.

In addition to its attractive appearance, zebrano wood is valued for its hardness, strength and dimensional stability. It is used in a variety of applications including the manufacture of furniture, interior upholstery, veneer, musical instruments and decorative items.

In summary, zebrano wood is an exotic and aesthetically striking material, with its striped pattern resembling the stripes of a zebra. Its hardness, strength and unique appearance make it a popular choice for a variety of woodworking and design projects.

Zebrano wood is associated with several symbols and meanings. Here are some of the symbols commonly attributed to zebrano wood:

  1. Individuality and originality: Zebrano wood is known for its distinctive patterns that resemble zebra stripes. These unique patterns make zebrano wood a symbol of individuality and originality. It represents the uniqueness of each person and encourages to embrace their own authenticity.

  2. Strength and resilience: Zebrano wood is a dense and resistant wood. It symbolizes strength and resilience, reminding us that it is possible to overcome difficulties with courage and determination. It encourages perseverance and the ability to overcome obstacles.

  3. Balance and harmony: The contrasting patterns of zebrano wood, with their straight lines and regular arrangement, represent balance and harmony. They evoke the need for balance between the different facets of life and the importance of maintaining inner harmony.

  4. Spirituality and connection: In some beliefs, zebrano wood is associated with spirituality and connection with higher planes. It is considered a symbol of wisdom and transcendence, inviting deep reflection and spiritual exploration.

  5. Travel and Adventure: Due to its association with the distinctive zebra pattern, zebrano wood is sometimes associated with travel and adventure. It can symbolize the desire to explore new horizons, embrace the unknown, and embark on new experiences.

It is important to note that the symbolism of zebrano wood can vary according to cultures, beliefs and individual interpretations. These meanings are general and not necessarily universal.


Ziricote wood is an exotic and attractive material that comes from the Cordia dodecandra tree, also known as ziricote. It is native to Central America, particularly Mexico, Belize and Guatemala. Ziricote wood is valued for its remarkable appearance, hardness and durability.

Ziricote wood is distinguished by its distinct dark color, which ranges from dark brown to black, with irregular veins of lighter color, ranging from golden brown to gray. These patterns of grains and veins give it a dramatic appearance, often compared to an abstract painting.

In addition to its impressive visual appearance, ziricote wood is also highly valued for its hardness and resistance. It is considered a dense and durable wood, which makes it suitable for a variety of uses, such as making musical instruments, high-end furniture, veneer, flooring, and decorative items.

Ziricote wood is also renowned for its dimensional stability, which means it has a low tendency to warp or crack, even under varying conditions of humidity and temperature.

In summary, Ziricote wood is an exotic and aesthetically striking material, with its dark color and unique grain and vein patterns. Its hardness, durability, and stability make it a popular choice for high-end woodworking projects and musical instrument building.

Ziricote wood is associated with various symbols and meanings. Here are some of the symbols commonly attributed to ziricote wood:

  1. Elegance and Beauty: Ziricote wood is prized for its exotic beauty and visually dramatic appearance. It features distinctive dark vein patterns that contrast with a lighter background color. It is often used in the manufacture of musical instruments and high-end furniture to add a touch of elegance.

  2. Protection and balance: In some beliefs, ziricote wood is considered a symbol of protection and balance. It is believed to help balance energies, ward off negative influences and promote inner harmony.

  3. Connection to nature: Ziricote is an exotic wood that is often associated with nature and its wonders. It can symbolize the deep connection with the earth, forests and natural elements, thus reminding the importance of preserving and respecting our natural environment.

  4. Strength and Resistance: Ziricote wood is renowned for its durability and weather resistance. It is associated with strength and robustness, thus symbolizing the ability to overcome difficulties and to remain solid in the face of life's challenges.

  5. Transformation and Growth: Ziricote wood can also represent transformation and growth. As a natural material, it has gone through a process of development and maturation over time. It can thus symbolize personal growth, positive change and the ability to evolve.

It should be noted that the symbolisms of ziricote wood can vary according to cultures, beliefs and individual interpretations. These meanings are general and not necessarily universal.